Sunday, June 25, 2006
hols will be officially over in 1 ain't it? Aye, the problem? Jus to put it nicely, the tutors termed it nicely as holidays instead of project weeks, go figure. The pun? They tell you to enjoy the hols... -_-" Frankly, there isn't a proper week where i din even think of the workload, fact is im too muddled...oh well, i do rmb the promise made with madah, so...kambatte!
(if u have no inkling wad the hell i'm talking about, look at the previous posts... =X)Looking forward to school re-opening, (yes, you din read wrongly!) cause:
- from now on, every friday will be dedicated to learning beach volleyball... (can't believe i jus typed that out!!! O_o)
- at the same time,
- get all the projects over and done with!!!
DEPLOYED AT THE LUGE!!!! THOUSANDS OF YAYS!!!!Yep, and that's why...haha, enjoy the last day of hols!!!
P.s. to all in HTM: cya in school!!! =)let your wave crash down on me and take me away...
escorted; - 12:28 AM;
Friday, June 23, 2006
I'm real sorry for the lies that made u think that u guys don't know her when the fact is you do.. but i feel pressurized whenever you guys keep pressing, gimme some breathing space, please...
And to you krisa my dear gal, whenever i receive ur msgs, i dunno if they give me a sense of renewed hope or jus filled with a comforting reassurance to tell me that everything's gonna be just fine, but i just want you to know that in any case that you need someone, i'll always be there for you, honest! I heart you!
For you, i'll bleed...
escorted; - 12:43 AM;
Thursday, June 22, 2006
jus recovered from a terrible headache, its so bad, even i cringe from the high-pitched buzzing emitting from the LRT...anyways, yeasterday was sort of a letdown...played badminton, with xiao wei to train me, heh, then actually planned to go ice skating, but when we went there (meaning all the way from hougang to jurong), it was so packed, we had to postponed it...oh well, at least i have a reason to look forward to sch
holidays are gonna be over and it did not turn out as i had expected, not one bit... the plans i had was a mess, but nothing ever really goes my way anyway... the outing with rainbow, now taken on the name, the ugly or smt like that, was ok i beginning to feel that i have communication breakdown with them, and i ain't kidding...even got into a tiff with char, either me or her, go figure...
the anticipated class chalet turned out
okay, went to Escape first before our bbq, when we entered the haunted house, the girls were like forming a line, (literally!), with camille holding my hand and me leading the pack. Boy, were they troublesome! =X when i was moving slow, the back were like "
faster, faster!!!", and when i was moving fast, they were like "
eh, slow down leh!!!", man thank god no one else was with us, they would have died of laughter looking at a caterpillar of 11 walking through the house! After bbq, we went back to chalet (sadly), and played with cards. Played Big 2, Victim, Murderer & Detective (that was fun!) and Indian Poker (ain't a racist joke). Its sad to know that in games like Indian Poker or even VM&D, even friends go against you just to see you get
sabo-ed, for Indian Poker, the forfeit was a litre of water w/o visiting the loo, go figure...slept only at 5 in the morn and had to wake by 10, f.y.i., everyone left at 7++, so yea, our so called group breakfast was jus the 6 of us...
So yea, that's my hols for you! heh, enjoy your hols while it lasts cuz once school starts, you'll start to miss hols again! =)
thanx gal for you were there for me, you take care too yea? Speedy recovery from sore throat! =)
escorted; - 10:51 PM;
Sunday, June 11, 2006
went out on friday to catch X3 (again!) with the cousins (cuz i din inform sel, tch...), then we ate out at cartel...amounted to like $120++??!! I guess we were hungry...for that day, my expenditure was like $45 for an outing, guess i won't be spending a lot from now on to cover my expenses...
yesterday, went to cousin caleb's me, a blissful event it was and a celebration of a new bond, yet it's funny to experience one's wedding especially if it's your cousin's, it leaves you wondering how will your future turn out, how soon will it take to be the one walking the aisle? These questions, for me, will be left unanswered...
Its a wonder sometimes, if you were able to hear what others think...i wish i could so i could just differentiate who the true friends really are or those who just put on a facade; so bad, you could almost get stabbed if not careful...
i hear you talking behind my back...beware, i might just stab you back...please, do away with your fake hurts more than your sharp sly f**ker...
escorted; - 3:16 PM;
Friday, June 09, 2006
Haha, i created this entry jus so i can thank nad for the embedding of songs for me, the blog gundu! Haha, thanks gal!
escorted; - 3:12 PM;
haha, check this out:
D, your IQ score is 125
Your test results indicate that the way you process information makes you a Concrete Thinker.You have unusually strong verbal and numerical skills. This dynamic combination gives you an exceptional aptitude for solving equations and then communicating those solutions to others in lay terms. Your intelligence is grounded and based on a very clear interpretation of what is happening around you. Because you are so realistic, most things are crystal clear to you, while others may get confused by this or that. Your objective is to make things real and clear. People count on you to find and give the sober, cold-hard facts. You learn most easily when things are explained in numbers and words and so you enjoy the education you get through books and lectures. Unlike others, you do not have to experience something first-hand to understand it, nor do you have a lot of interest in how things work mechanically. On the other hand, if you find the information in your books or lectures too abstract, you might tend toward first-hand experience as you'll get nothing but the facts that way.
How true....
haha, still in the lab slacking and did the IQ test, haha, u can try it. Click
man, wanted to go out with e5'04 peeps during this hols but i guess the majority of the jc ppl are usually giving the excuse of not free, gotta study, blah...i mean, it's not that we are
so free either, jus that we make the effort to go out with you guys, we jus need u all to say yes, dats all, it ain't hard to do
that rite? Even better, you all can organise an outing instead of the usual us doing it for you and almost always having low response...
RAH...them...i think hardly any jc peeps, esp. e5'04, will read this anyway, too busy mugging...bah...
escorted; - 1:45 PM;
Yawn~ woke up early for SSM meeting, now in lab slacking away...later will be going out with the cousins...haha, funny that kind of stuff should happen, i myself hardly spot obvious groups of cousins walking, heck, a first for everything they say...
I'm OFFICIALLY booked next week, so if any of you peeps wanna date me, it'll hafta be some other time! haha...i'm serious! here's my plans for the hols:
10 & 11 June- FREE!!!
12 June- Work from 10am-5/6pm followed by work again from 8pm-10/11pm
13 June- Briefing for Kelly Services job (dun ask me wad it is, i dun even no...); Rainbow outing
14 June- Work from 10am-5/6pm
15 & 16 June- Porject meeting in the morn; CLASS CHALET!!! (long awaited, FINALLY!) X)
17 June- Another briefing by Kelly Services
18 June- Job Recruitment Drive (i'm working, not looking for a job, mind you); project meeting
19 June- Sentosa outing; work at 8pm
20 to 23 June- Work by Kelly Services
24 & 25 June- FREE!!!
Yep, so that's bout it...busy life i lead, haha....
escorted; - 11:52 AM;
Friday, June 02, 2006
failed my CRS test..din really expect to do that badly, but oh well, what's past is past, just mug for the final would do, and i mean MUG...feel that i'm so slack, everyone's projects are so wordy and mine is like....two thirds theirs?! They keep telling me its ok and that its the quality that counts, but its not ok... So I did some touch-ups jus now before handing in a few minutes before 5...bleahs...
time pass too that good?
escorted; - 5:34 PM;
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Shucks, still rushing my projects that will be due tmr...jus made myself a pact that i will beat Madah academically...f.y.i. she's on the Directors Honours List, so i dunno what im in for but hell, i'll do wadever it takes to get my GPA more than 3, yes yes, my current
is less than that...
Had Service Skills Methodology today, was appointed
captain! The stress was there having to take care of the V.V.I.P. table, (yes its 2 'V's!), got reprimanded by mr. neo for serving dessert before crumbing the table, ah well, eventually, it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be, i actually wouldn't mind doing captain again! haha...

at your service... =)
well, tomorrow's a BIG day, have to hand in the Marketing, ClubResortSpa & Learning Log as well as a darn CRS quiz at 1p.m. and im only less than halfway through revision...ok, work work!
My internet connection will end tmr, so yea, might not blog again till the next time i get the connection back...
escorted; - 11:25 PM;
Yawns...yep, indeed went to Sentosa for only 2 hours, but at least i got to finally understand how to go about doing my marketing...but its so frustrating having to come up with the SWOT and stuff, bores me down. Half done now, MUST finish by Thursday night, undire consequences...
Rite now, my productivity has reached a level so low, im just typing any word that comes to my mind...wonder how those who stayed till 2 to 4+ a.m. *clears throat*, managed to wake up early EVERY morning man...
just can't wait...can't wait for the end of submissioncan't wait to go to Lugecan't wait for the end of the term test weekcan't wait for the holscan't wait for the chaletcan't wait to sleep right now.........Nitez peeps...
escorted; - 1:29 AM;